Saturday, February 6, 2016

Butternut Squash Mac and "Cheese"

It took me a long time to get up the nerve to try some of the recipes for plant based "cheese type" sauces.  It just didn't seem right.  I used to make a baked macaroni and cheese casserole that was incredibly delicious.  It was also incredibly unhealthy.  That is not what I was going for here.  I felt that if I had a recipe that just had some of the qualities of a great mac and cheese, that I would be very happy.  Well, I think this one fit the bill.   The
                                                                        recipe is based on one from a blog                                                                           named Oh She Glows.

It has a hint of cheese taste from the nutritional yeast, and it is very creamy.  I was worried about the amount of Dijon mustard and the amount of lemon.  I love both of those ingredients, but I was afraid they would take over the flavor of
the dish.  They did not, and the dish has a very balanced flavor. 

I only made the old style of mac and cheese once or twice a year because of how unhealthy it was.  I feel like I can make this recipe often and not feel guilty. 


2 Tbsp. vegan Earth Balance or other non-dairy butter replacement
1 ½ to 1 ¾ cups unsweetened & unflavored almond milk, (hold ¼ cup to see if needed)
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
¾ cup nutritional yeast, or more to taste
3 tsp. Dijon mustard, to taste
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. kosher salt
pepper to taste
2 cups roasted butternut squash
12 ounces small shell or elbow macaroni
frozen green peas, thawed

Prepare the cheese sauce in a pot on the stove.   Add the butter replacement and melt over low heat.  In a bowl, whisk together milk and cornstarch until clumps are gone.  Add into pot and whisk.  Stir in the nutritional yeast, Dijon, garlic, onion powder, lemon, salt and pepper. 

Whisk over low heat until thickened,
                                            (about 5 minutes or so).

Cook pasta according to package directions, leaving it
al dente.

Add the butternut squash to a blender, along with the sauce.  Blend until very smooth.  Return the sauce to the saucepan.  Add the additional almond milk to get to the desired thickness of sauce.  Add the cooked pasta and the thawed peas. 

NOTE:  For best results, use a high speed blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtec.

Husband's thoughts:  Don't expect this to taste like the traditional Mac-N-Cheese, but it is very good. I would recommend it to anyone. 



  1. Do you think this sauce would be good with spirialized broccoli stems? I don't eat processed pasta (or homemade) anymore but man that looks good!

  2. Go for it and please let me know how it comes out. I would love to see pictures and have your review Cindy!
    Thanks so much for reading the blog and your feedback!

  3. What is and where do I get nutritional yeast?
