Hi Everyone! I'm so happy to be here! I'm not a plant based Okie, but I am plant based Texan and have been for about three years. It's been SO FUN being plant based and sharing recipes with my mom. My mom, as evidenced on this blog, is just plain ol awesome. I have no doubt she's the reason my brother and I love creating, and of course eating, so much good food. So my brother blogged for you guys a few weeks ago and now it's my turn. I have to say though- he stole my thunder. Let me explain.
I live in Austin Texas. World capital of live music, keeping it weird, and SO MUCH GOOD FOOD. Despite the world class food and abundance of any kind of cuisine you can imagine, there is one thing we take VERY seriously down here. Tacos.
So yeah, he stole my thunder. It's all good though, because I wanted to share with you guys something Austin-y. If I had to declare an official Austin food- it would have to be the mighty breakfast taco. Tacos for breakfast my friends- that's what's up.
Let's get started!
Throw in whatever veggies are looking questionable in your fridge. There is no right or wrong here. Here are some of our favorite add in's:
Bell peppers
Tofurkey (y'all this takes it up about 10 notches. at least)
Then I add:
2 crumbled blocks of tofu
2 tablespoons of turmeric
2 tablespoons of turmeric
2 tablespoon Italian blend spices
2 tablespoons of orange/lemon juice
1 tablespoon of cumin
Just cook long enough that all liquid is evaporated and veggies are cooked through (usually about 10 minutes on med/high).
This makes a lot! We make this amount so we can eat on it throughout the week. Throw some beans
in a bowl with some scramble- easy peasy meal baby! If that's not your thing then just cut the recipe in half!
Thanks for letting a Texan crash your blog! Blogging runs in the family, so come visit me on my blog all about simple, fast, plant-based eating, especially kid-related on my blog at:
Husband's note: These two little monkeys are our wonderful grand kids. Ashley and her husband are fantastic parents. Check out her blog.
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